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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello hello,

So I was at Home Depot over the break and noticed a very cool feature of their store, located directly next to the exit. A large display entitled, "Free Water Test". The rack was adorned with many individual envelopes, free for the public to grab and send in a sample of their water with.

 It's a pretty easy system. Just fill the small capsule 3/4 full with a sample of your kitchen's tap water, answer a few questions pertaining to the source, experienced conditions, and a bit of personal information, then slap a stamp on that and expect results in 1-2 weeks time!

I grabbed a few and gave them to some friends and family. Most likely I will be sending in a sample of my water here in Baltimore as well. I'm interested to see what it comes back with. It would be pretty cool if we could do something like this with the truck design. Say, if people were to bring samples of their water to us, we could test it for them. Just a thought!


1 comment:

  1. Ash here!

    I really like this idea. Which Home Depot did you go to?
